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Galvanized steel pipe storage and protection

2019-11-21 09:24:30   COMMENT:0 HITS:
  It is mainly due to the fact that the ASTM A53 a 500 Galvanized Steel Pipe body is not covered, the covering protection is not ideal, and there is no support. Part of the problem is that the number of stacking layers is too many. In addition, the coastal areas are mostly marine climate, with large annual rainfall, high air humidity, water accumulation at the contact part between the steel pipe and the steel pipe, etc The protection method shall be:

  1. No matter the bare pipe or anti-corrosion pipe, if it needs to be stored for a long time, the opaque cover shall be used for protection from the beginning of storage to avoid corrosion of steel pipe, aging of anti-corrosion coating, edge warping and other phenomena.

  2. The cover shall be strong and durable to prevent rot and leakage due to long-term sun and rain.

  3. When the steel pipe is covered, the surface of the steel pipe shall be ventilated to prevent the water vapor from volatilizing and gathering on the surface.

  4. Steel pipes shall be stored with supports at a certain distance from the ground to ensure the ventilation of steel pipes.

  5. After the steel pipes are stacked and stored, the pipe end protectors shall be removed to prevent the water from gathering at the contact surface between the pipe end protectors and the steel pipes and being difficult to volatilize.

  6. During the storage of steel pipes, attention shall be paid to the stacking layers of steel pipes to avoid local stress at the pipe end caused by too many layers, thus causing radial plastic deformation of steel pipes and damage of anti-corrosion coating. It is recommended to refer to apirp 5l1-2009 Recommended Practice for railway transportation of pipeline steel pipes or apirp 5lw-2009 Recommended Practice for ship and sea going vessel transportation of pipeline steel pipes for the number of stacking layers of bare pipes, which can also be determined by test or executed according to the safe stacking height of steel pipes. The number of stacking layers of anticorrosive pipes shall be executed according to GB / T 23257-2009 polyethylene anticorrosive coating of buried steel pipes.

  7. Avoid contact with pollutant oil, copper, etc. during steel pipe storage.

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